Current inventory is at its lowest since COVID-19 shutdown

Nebraska Community Blood Bank (NCBB) has issued an urgent call for type O+ and O- blood donations. This dangerous shortage is impacting local hospitals, and is also a disturbing national trend, with type O shortages reported across the U.S. The current inventory of type O blood is the lowest it’s been since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the full press release from July 18, 2024

You can help by spreading the word about this critical need. Amplifying our messaging can significantly contribute to rebuilding our inventory.   

Social Media Graphics

Your organization and personal social media accounts reach a wider audience than ours. Please help us spread the word about the critical need for blood donors on your social media pages!

Sample PSA Scripts

Create a short video highlighting the need for donors and encouraging people to donate blood. We have provided script templates that you are welcome to make your own. Send us your video or share it on your social media pages and tag us. 

Script #1

Hi, I’m {{Recipient.FirstName}} {{Recipient.LastName}} with {{Recipient.Account.Name}}.

Our community is facing a critical shortage of blood donations, and we need your help. We’ve joined forces with NCBB to address this urgent need. In recent weeks, there has been a significant drop in blood donations, resulting in a critical shortage of O- and O+ blood types.

The summer months are especially challenging for blood collection. With many people traveling, schools on break, and a rise in traumatic accidents during the warmer months, the blood supply is critically strained. There is no substitute for human blood, and hospital patients rely on generous donors like you to receive the lifesaving treatment they need. 

We are calling on our community members to step up and make an immediate blood or platelet donation at a NCBB donation location near you. Every donation can help save a life, and you can help us avoid emergencies like this in the future by committing to donating blood once per season each year. To learn more about donating or to make an appointment, visit or call 402.486.9414.

Script #2

Hi, I’m {{Recipient.FirstName}} {{Recipient.LastName}} with {{Recipient.Account.Name}}.

I’ve teamed up with NCBB to raise awareness about the critical need for blood donors in our community. After a significant drop in blood donations in recent weeks, NCBB is experiencing a critical shortage of O- and O+ blood types and is urgently calling on blood donors to help replenish the blood supply. 

The summer months are always challenging for blood collection, with seasonal travel, school breaks, and a rise in traumatic accidents often straining the blood supply and leading to shortages. There is no substitute for human blood, and hospital patients rely on the generosity of blood donors to receive the lifesaving treatment they need. 

On behalf of {{Recipient.Account.Name}} and NCBB, we are calling on our community members to make an immediate blood or platelet donation and commit to donating at least once per season. To learn more about donating or to make an appointment at a Nebraska Community Blood Bank donation location near you, visit or call 402.486.9414.