Learn life-saving techniques for rapid treatment of emergency injuries

Nebraska Community Blood Bank (NCBB) is proud to partner with Bryan Trauma Center and Nebraska Medicine to host free Stop the Bleed training. Take a class and learn best practices for treating life-threatening injuries until medical help arrives.

Stop the Bleed is a national campaign to train bystanders how to help stop uncontrolled bleeding before professional medical help arrives. Uncontrolled bleeding is a major cause of preventable deaths; taking vital steps to stop bleeding in an emergency can help save and sustain someone’s life.

Nebraska Community Blood Bank is proud to offer free Stop the Bleed training to the public in partnership with Bryan Trauma Center in Lincoln and Nebraska Medicine in Omaha. In training, you will:

  • Learn how to identify life-threatening wounds
  • Learn best practices for treating injuries until medical help can arrive
  • Hear real-life experiences from people who have been first on a scene
  • Practice techniques through hands-on training

Stop the Bleed: Lincoln
Training is held at Nebraska Community Blood Bank’s donor center at 100 N. 84th Street (map). Starting 2020, classes will be held quarterly. Sign-up at the link below:

Stop the Bleed: Omaha
Training is held at Nebraska Community Blood Bank’s donor center at 12100 Pacific Street (map). There are currently no upcoming classes scheduled.

You can also request a private training session. For more information, contact Kari Lundeen or call 402-486-9412.

Only one class is needed to fulfill training. This class is not eligible for Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits. There is no age limit, however some images used in the presentation are of heavy bleeding and might not be suitable for all audiences. Please use your discretion. Space is limited. Registrants are encouraged to bring a notebook and pen. Water will be provided.